GWC Valves USA: Importance of E-Commerce

E-Commerce is the Internet and the Web to conduct business transactions and the GWC Valves USA should look after this carefully. There are seven unique features in e-commerce such as ubiquity, global reach, interactivity, universal standards, information density, richness and personalization and customization. There are different types of e-commerce that the company can look into which include business-to-business, or even business-to-consumer. There are four limitations when it comes to e-commerce which include how the technology is expensive, it is a sophisticated skillset, there is a global inequality which limits the access to Internet, cellphones and computers and finally there are present attractions of physical markets and traditional shopping experiences. There are also several disciplines that have been starting to use e-commerce more and more and this include sociology, management science, marketing, economics, finance and accounting, management, information systems, and computer science.

When it comes to e-commerce, it is important for a company to first know the difference between the hardware and software. The hardware is any part of the computer that you can physically touch and the software is the set of computer programs that enable the hardware to perform tasks and the application and system software. The Internet is the worldwide network of computers built on common standards whereas the worldwide web is the service that runs on this infrastructure and there are four components to this. These four components include HTML, which is a hypertext markup language which allows you to format pages to be linked using keywords. HTTP is the hypertext transfer protocol, which is using this, and allows you to access and view pages. The web server is storing pages on the Internet in exchange for information. The browser is a software application that runs on the Internet.